Friday, August 26, 2011

Drenched in Red

Drenched in Red, by Joey Friday

You and your band played well last night
Appreciate, Realize
In fact, you were better than well, excellent
Recognize, Cloud Nine
I will remember that show for years to come
Jollies, Exhortation
Sadly, I cannot remember the name of your band
Blue Funk, Blue Devils
Nor can I recall the type of music you were playing

Author of pic unknown. But I chose it because I liked how everything was showered in red, and the band members in the back seemed more like ghosts than actual people.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

From Here, Where Are We Headed?

From Here, Where Are We Headed, by Joey Friday

There is a road big enough for the two of us
Urgency, Brio
Hell, it's big enough for the whole town
Panache, Efficacy
We could have found a home at the end of this road
Capability, Flourish
Even now, I can't believe you stood me up
Uselessness, Discouragement
Did you really find me so repulsive?

Pic of Jequitiba tree in a cornfield in Pirassununga city, interior Sao Paulo state, Brasil, by Christiano Pessoa

Waiting for You, Only You

Waiting for You, Only You, by Joey Friday

What more could a man ask for?
Charity, Temperance
What more is there to life?
Joyous, Verve
What else can I say?
Dash, Zing
I will never let you go
Coldness, Lifelessness
Nor will I ever give you your freedom

Pic is Huka Falls by Atlus

I Am Your Self-Appointed Atheist

I Am Your Self-Appointed Atheist, by Joey Friday

I will scream your name to the furthest distance
Verdant, Gusto
When I think of you I shall look to Heaven
Enjoyment, Enravished
I want everyone to remember your name
Anhedonic, Cheering
If you were a god, I would be an atheist
Disgust, Botheration
For I do not believe scum like you should have power

Pic unknown

Thankfully, Thankfully

Thankfully, Thankfully, by Joey Friday

I can't thank you enough,
Gratitude, Openness,
The pleasure was all mine,
Greetings, Salutations,
We should do this more often,
Serene, Pristine,
However, I am only your friend on the outside,
Sub-rosa, Hush-hush,
Inside, I cannot stand the sight of you

Pic unknown

Something Better is Out There

Something Better is Out There, by Joey Friday

I always knew something better was out there
Excitement, Discovery
I am glad I always believed in further distances
Triumph, Strident
I have found my new calling in life
Satisfaction, Bewilderment
I just hope I don't quit when the going gets tough
Uncertainty, Murky
I am the kind of guy who fails at everything

(Pic called Los Cuernos del Paine by Ian Plant)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Desire: it is so hard to fulfill

Desire: It is so Hard to Fulfill, by Joey Friday

Everything was so easy a long, long time ago
Simple, Child-like
Those things were new before they become old
Verve, Spellbound
Those childhood memories are so clear and bright
Spectacular, Dazzling
Too bad everyone has now gone blind
Cheerless, Dreariness
That is what happens when nostalgia turns into nightmare